10 Secrets About Self-esteem Psychologists Don’t Want you to Know! – Part 1

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by Max

Have you ever second-guessed a move and wished you had acted differently?

Whether you’re a child or an adult, you may feel every now and then that you’re simply not good enough. That you’re not worth it. Maybe you have asked a girl out and she rejected you without a reason. Maybe you think she’s somehow out of your league.

But for some reason (the same reason that brought you here), you know that there’s a different thing you’re suffering from (And no it’s not the pimples on your face so stop touching them).

You may feel worthless and sometimes you blame yourself for problems that, I believe, are not even your DAMN FAULT.

You’re right, it hurts. It hurts a lot buddy. I know that because I’ve been there and I didn’t like it either, to be honest. I know how it feels, to stay in the shadows of other people even though you’re no less than them.

I know how it feels to be ignored just because you couldn’t make the right move in the right time because of fear. The fear of failure. The same fear that stops you from making a decision and feel guilty if you ever made the wrong one.

Having a low self-esteem will stop you from living the life you have always wished for. Share on X

So, if you ever wanted to make a difference, make sure to keep reading to the end.

What I’m going to show you now is not your common “How to Get a Girlfriend in 6 Seconds” daily post. This post is a life changer because it comes out of experience. 

So stay tuned!

#1 A Real Problem

Low self-esteem will not only affect your behavior, but it affects your brain as well. Share on X

Let’s say you and I were walking in the park. A Real beautiful day (only because I’m with you; otherwise it wouldn’t be). Parents having picnics with their children, kids buying ice cream and playing with each other. A real unbelievable scene. And for some cosmic reasons, that beautiful day turned into a stormy one. It was literally raining cats and dogs.

Things get messy when you start sneezing and now I need to stay away from you because the flu you just got is contagious.

You might be asking. What does all of this have to do with low self-esteem?

You need to understand that in that particular situation, the low self-esteem is the flu you got. And as you probably know, the longer it continues, the more your health is going to deteriorate.

Low self-esteem does the same thing with your brain. It lurks deep inside in it without even you realizing it until it ends up with you hesitating to even say “Hi!” to your new girl-friend (and there’s a dash in between for a reason).

And people will stay away from you because of your low self-esteem the same way I did because of your flu. Why? Because now you have an illness. An illness that needs to be cured. Not by taking pills, but by:

#2 Self-Reflection

Ask yourself this question: “What’s the thing that lowered my confidence so much?”

Have you ever been bullied or suffered from a physical illness?
Gone through a difficult separation from your parents or from people who mattered to you?

I get it.

Just recalling some of these events is bad enough. But you need to understand that if you want to cure something, you need to accept the fact that it exists in the first place and the reason behind its existence.

So to cure it, you need to first realize what is behind your illness. And to remain healthy, you need to avoid the same circumstances.

So before you build your self-esteem up again, you need to understand that noting comes out of nowhere. There is a reason behind what you’re suffering from. And embracing the fact that it is something from the past will add to your self-esteem a lot because it will get you back on track, which is one major key for recovery.

Remember: you need to recognize what made you loose faith in yourself. Until then, you may find it difficult to interact with the people around you.

“Know yourself and you will win all battles.” – Sun Tzu

#3 Negative Blah-blah-blah

I’m not some sort of mind-reader, but I can already tell that you said to yourself countless times “No! I’ll screw it up if I do it now”.

This is the worst kind of failure and the thing that lowers your self-esteem the most. YOU! The person who knows his/her abilities the most, is asking him/herself to admit failure before even trying.

I understand, maybe what you are going to do is a “life-changer”, but believe me, staying where you are is way worse than acting on it.

You need to avoid all sort of negative talk. Even it means to stay away from your friends (besides, what kind of friends tell you that you’re not good enough).

Avoid criticism. You’ve heard so much of it already (and you’ll probably get even more of it in the future). The point is that you’ll always find people to criticize you. This is human nature. People LOVE to criticize each other because that’s what they’re good at.

Why are they doing this?

Because they have criticized themselves so many times that now they need to criticize others to make themselves believe that they’re not the only “bad” folks on earth (in fact, they’re worse).

So stop that negative talk with yourself, because one day, it may end up with you being like them.


You need to go do it by yourself. This is the first step to rebuilding self-esteem. Get things done NOW and stop being dependent on other people.

Accept the fact that there’s no PERFECT way to do something because nobody is perfect. I personally believe that you already did a lot of good things before and you should be proud of that. You already have a lot of positives to focus on.

Stop neglecting your qualities, a lot of people are lacking them. Take care of yourself and move on with it. Everyone makes mistakes. And that’s completely natural because this is the natural way of learning.

Sticking to the past will not help you. Recalling every single moment you messed things up will only bring more negativity to the current situation you’re going through. Get over it, for the love of God! No one is reminding you of it except for you. You’re doing your best to be your own worst enemy. Strive to become at least a little bit better.

#5 Exercise

Breaking a sweat helps a lot in building self-esteem (and your muscles). 

Studies have shown that practicing sports boosts your self-esteem dramatically. Share on X

As you’ll gain more confidence that results from achieving small tasks continuously.

Challenge your friends or accept challenges from them. It won’t be anything serious or ‘life-changing’ because it will be just for fun. But on the flip side, you’ll know what you’re capable of and you’ll start believing in yourself.

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” – E.E. Cummings

Continue to part 2



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