10 Secrets About Self-esteem Psychologists Don’t Want you to Know! – Part 2

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by Max
Continued from part 1

#6 Be Helpful

Helping others is one of the best things you can ever do if you ever wanted to build up self-esteem. Share on X

It will make you feel good about yourself because you’ll know that you have done something worthy to be remembered. Something that no one has done at the present moment except for you. So you should take pride in your accomplishments as well.

#7 Dress Like a BOSS

You don’t necessarily have to wear a 1000$ suit to boost your self-esteem. Dressing like a boss means to wear something presentable like some casual clothes.

But what you’ll end up with is a BIG feeling of satisfaction and ease. You’ll feel ready to face the world because you know and I know that that’s some real stuff you’re wearing.

So stop wearing that damn same shirt just because you think that it brings you luck. Make your own luck!

Make it now.

#8 Preparation

I believe in preparation because luck comes to those who prepare themselves the most. If you do not prepare yourself correctly, you may end up facing some real self-esteem problems. And in this case, you’re right. You’re completely right.

Stop procrastinating and get your butt of that comfy sofa. No one is going to do the work for you. And when time starts biting at your backside, you’ll know that your self-esteem has been lowered because of your procrastination problems.

“One important key to success is self-confidence. A key to self-confidence is preparation.“ – Arthur Ashe

#9 Speak Confidently

It’s simple.

Think about what you’re going to say before you say it. Then say it in a slow, understandable way unless you want to repeat it again and again because they couldn’t grasp what you’ve said in the first place.

Your way of speaking affects how people perceive you. 

If you talk like someone who’s ready to dominate the conversation, your listeners are more likely to listen to you and focus on what you’re saying. Share on X

But if you talk like a worthless person, your listeners will try to avoid listening to you in the first place. Not because they want to, but because YOU made THEM feel like getting away from you.

Practice a few times in front of the mirror and repeat it over and over again. All that you need to focus on is to not sound rushed. If you master how you move your tongue, you’ll be moving nations without even realizing it.

#10 Stand Tall Soldier

Mind your posture

Especially when conversing with others. It will give them the impression that you’re the most confident person in the world because that is what you’re showing them.

I believe in standing tall myself because it helped me a lot in changing how people see me. I’ve seen it work for me and for others.


Because confident people never try to hide something from the people around them. In fact, they want to be noticed as much as you. The difference is that they are ready to face the people around. The thing is, you may be not that “ready”.

So, what do you do about it?

Get ready! 

Work on your posture and the way you look at people. Delete fear from your eyes. You’re talking to people not to alligators (although some people are).

And remember, it’s all inside of you. 

You CAN take control of it whenever you want. 
And what I mean by whenever is: NOW!


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