5 Ways To Monetize Your Blog Or Website

5 Ways To Monetize Your Blog Or Website
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by Wes

Do you have a website or blog?
Do you regularly publish quality content and have good organic traffic?

Then you have probably already thought about how to monetize your website. If not, you could find some great tips here.

This article lists 5 ​​great strategies to monetize your website or blog. Read them through and give them a try to see if they work for you.

1. Set a niche

Defining a niche for your website or blog is the initial step and most important of all. That way you can become an authority on the subject and attract a more qualified audience. Share on X

If you are an expert on weight loss tips, it would be a good niche to monetize. Your blog visitors will be those who have a specific need. And if you can serve them with practical tips on the subject they will come back.

The more targeted the blog, the more qualified the audience will be. In short, your site may generate more revenue with far fewer visits

If they are already coming to your blog to find out how to lose weight, they are also more likely to:

  1. Click the relevant ads selling diet, exercise and weight loss products
  2. Be persuaded to buy your affiliate products
  3. Buy your self produced books, merchandise or get diet counselling from you
  4. Come back to your blog
  5. Subscribe to your newsletter
  6. Follow you on Social Media
  7. Share your posts and articles with their friends
  8. Recommend you to others

So, become a specialist in a niche market and increase your income. 

2. Increase traffic

This is the second part of the process of monetizing your website or blog. You should focus on generating a large and regular stream of visits. 

Remember that you can only monetize your blog with visits, and with many users coming to your blog every day.

The rule is very simple: if you have a physical store and no one gets into it, you will not make any money, right? In the online world, the same thing happens. A huge number of visits is one thing that all the high profit sites have in common.

Faced with this, you should start by implementing the techniques of generating traffic to your blog or website. 

Customise it – Make it your own

Know how to understand and apply the techniques of SEO and Inbound Marketing on your blog. Make it more attractive and convert a good part of the visitors into qualified leads. And turn your blog visitors into voracious consumers of your content.

As for the required volume of posts, there is no magic formula, because everything will depend on your niche. The same goes for the frequency of posts. Some post once a week, others every day.

If you are writing for a highly targeted audience, you can earn money with only five or ten thousand hits per month.

3. Use Google AdSense

One of the most well known and popular methods to monetize on the internet is advertising through Google AdSense. 

For most blogs, the main revenue is still generated through it. Even so, your site will need a lot of organic traffic to make it pay.

Google AdSense is ideal for anyone who is starting in the online marketplace and still has a low volume of hits. Share on X But when you start generating more than 100,000 unique views per month, you’ll probably get even bigger gains if you also use a private ad network.

They will send more specific and relevant ads to the public that frequently visits your blog, and this will help you generate more money.

Advertising is one of the main ways to monetize your website or blog, but it should not be the only one used. 

To create a consistent source of income, the ideal is to also apply other means of monetization, such as joining an affiliate program. 

4. Selling Your own Physical or Digital Products

This is perhaps one of the most lucrative methods of monetization

In Google’s affiliate program, for example, you sell products from other people and businesses. But have you ever considered selling your own products? 

Of course this means a little more work, but the rewards are much greater. The profits from all sales will be yours alone. In addition, your company can create a brand in the market and win a loyal audience. 

You can sell a physical products such as clothes, sports equipment, smartphones, among others. Or, you can sell digital products, like applications, software or e-books.

For physical products, you should be concerned about inventory and logistics. Digital products involve less work, since there is no need for physical stock and the delivery can be done online.


In order for your blog to succeed with this strategy, make a price structure which is better than your competitors. Make sure there is an entry-level product accessible for beginners and a premium product that is more expensive for the most loyal and demanding audience.

5. Start a YouTube channel

One of the most important strategies on how to monetize your website or blog, is to start a YouTube channel. 

Create a YouTube account to produce videos related to your products, in addition to the written content. That way, you will produce a lot more revenue. Share on X

Videos are great ways to attract people. It is a faster and more playful way of passing information than written text. Also, it will help you reach audiences that you normally would not be able to. Like, those who have trouble reading or that prefer videos to text.

Because YouTube belongs to Google, having a channel there will increase the relevance of your website. Not to mention that videos can be added to your blog pages, generating even more money with page and video previews individually.


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