7 Reasons Why You Should Never Stop Learning

7 Reasons To Never Stop Learning
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by Merlyn Gabriel Miller

Did you know that the average CEO reads 60 books per year?
That’s 5 books every month!

Warren Buffet, the billionaire value investor, once said that reading works a lot like compound interest. That what you read, and the knowledge you build, adds up in the long run. So, 'the more you learn, the more you earn'. Share on X

Buffet reportedly reads 500 pages every day, and has a net worth of over $79 Billion, so it obviously works for him.

And what works for him (and countless other millionaires and billionaires) will work for you too.

Here are 7 reasons why you should never stop learning!

#1 Sharpen The Axe

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

Having the right tools in great working condition makes the work a lot easier. So, if you want to make use of what is between your ears, it’s a good idea to spend some time keeping your mind sharp.

That you can do by learning something new every day.

#2 Keep Your Brain ALIVE

Albert Einstein said, “once you stop learning, you start dying.”
That is a strong statement, but not without merit.

Just like your muscles start to deteriorate when you no longer work out, your brain will also lose its power. It’s a simple case of ‘use it or lose it’.

The good news is that you can stop the decline.

All you need to do is put in a daily mental workout, along with the physical. Like, challenging your mind with puzzles and crosswords, memory games, chess, practising a new skill or language, and other great brain workouts.

#3 Develop Self-Confidence

Learning is not just about becoming smarter, or gaining an understanding of a subject. When we learn, we develop more confidence at the same time. This is especially true when it comes to learning a new skill. Share on X

Making progress and getting better at something new is a great self-confidence boost, which also results in better self-esteem. So, if you have issues with self-confidence and self-esteem, keep on learning to get that sense of mastery.


#4 Become A Better Conversationalist

Ever had a conversation with someone who just nods and responds with single words?
Dead boring!

And you don’t want to be known as a wallflower, or ‘what’s-his-name‘ with the non-existing personality, do you?

Being knowledgable makes you more engaging and memorable, which is a great asset. In business, employment, dating and social settings alike. Share on X

Even if you are not super outgoing, at the very least you’ll have something interesting to say when you do open your mouth.

#5 Get Out Of Your ‘Comfort Zone’

I’m sure you’ve heard of the dreaded ‘comfort zone’. Despite the way it sounds, there is nothing comfortable about it.

The comfort zone is where dreams go to die. Where people get stuck, living a life that they don't really enjoy. Often because they lack self-confidence and the knowledge to make changes. Share on X

But by being committed to your own growth, you can get out and stay out of that depressing state, and give your dreams a chance to come true.

Make a habit of getting a little bit uncomfortable, every day. Do something that scares you, like singing karaoke, asking someone out for a date, ice skating, or anything that you are sure you’ll suck at.

Like they say in NLP, there is no failure – only feedback. So, whatever happens, the result is growth and experience. The successes will build your confidence, the feedback makes you resilient.

#6 Adapt Better To Change

If you are a stickler for tradition, and prefer to do things the way you always have, the mere mention of the word ‘CHANGE’ is enough to make you cringe. Even when the changes are for your own good, all you can think about is that now you’ll have to make an effort. No more living on autopilot.

But changes are inevitable. You can try to resist them as much as you want, but that is a waste of your energy and brain power. Instead of fighting the new – take it as an opportunity to grow and learn. Learn how to flow with the current, instead of fighting it.

The more you get used to change, and actively seek it out, the easier it will be for you to adapt to new situations. Share on X

#7 Be Inspired

The mind has this funny habit of running in loops, like a dog chasing its own tail. And when you are looking for a solution that is incredibly frustrating. Whenever you find yourself in that situation – shake it up.

Walk out the door, get on the first bus or train without a plan, and jump off somewhere you normally don’t go. Visit a new café or art exhibit. Head for the library and ask the first person you see to recommend a book. If you see a sign advertising origami or tango classes, stop by and see what it’s like.

Because, when your mind is no longer full of worry and doubt – eureka moments happen.
And the solution finds you…


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