8 Tips About Effective Studying Teachers Never Taught You at School!

8 Tips For Effective Studying
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by Max

Studying effectively and getting good grades is one of the most discussed topics of all times. So many people suffer from getting bad grades on their exams. Even if they spend the whole night revising, for them, it just seems not be working.

I used to have that problem in high school (in fact that just me pretending not to have it anymore). And now, I don’t have it anymore (mostly… I think). Because I have applied a set of tips and tricks that I am going to show you today right below.

#1 Study Settings

You know exactly what I’m talking about. I personally believe that if you ever wanted to study effectively, you need to stay away from distractions as much as possible (And yes, I’m telling you this while pointing at your iPhone because this is distraction itself).

Having a suitable study setting improves your ability to retain information and understand it effectively. Share on X

Let’s say you were invited to your best friend’s birthday party. A real once-in-a life-time event for some reason (“not attending it” is not a valid answer. Don’t even think about it).

The thing with your buddy is that he has so many friends on Facebook, including your Ex which has been invited as well. And now, you need to cope with that if you ever wanted to get out of that party in one piece.

You dress up nicely. A bit of fragrance here and there to smell like a first class actor. Nothing fancy, but you look cool anyway. Things get interesting when you knock the door to find out that everyone is already there. And you didn’t like what you saw (nor did I).

For the time being you’re already inside trying to get a chair, which of course there’s none because everyone is sitting on every single one them (that tall guy is not even sitting on a chair by the way).

What’s even worse in that you have to deal with your Ex now who is chasing you from place to place just to remember the good old days. And instead of enjoying a party like everyone else, you’re looking for the back door to escape from this supposed-to-be party.

That’s the same thing for study settings. Studying in noisy places is like being in a heavily-crowded place. The noisier your setting gets, the more crowded the party is. And that Ex in the party represents your distractions because they’re keeping you from living the moment.

So what you need to do, first of all, is to choose a suitable place to study in. It can be your local library or your friend’s dorm. What’s important is that it is noise-free. Otherwise you’re missing the whole point of revising in it.

Consider as well brightening it. Make it appealing to revise in. Not too hard to stay in and not too comfy as well. Studying in the bed or in overstuffed chairs is not advisable (believe me! Don’t do it. it’s a trap!). Otherwise you’ll end up sleeping in it instead of revising and that will be a different problem on its own.

You need, next, to impose an electronic lockdown. Turn off your email notifications, text messages, phone calls and even music (you’ll have time later to listen to your own recordings. your voice is not going to fade away if you don’t listen to them immediately).

Distraction is like an invisible rope that is constantly pulling you from doing your work. Share on X And to remove that rope you need to remove the distraction in the first place.

Get a fan or other white noise sources. Too quiet places are likely to distract you and give you a hard time maintaining your focus.

Make a habit of going to that place and revising in it. Believe in the importance of your study setting because it is a real fundamental first step toward effective studying and getting good grades.

#2 Read Effectively

And what I mean by effectively is not reading fast so that you can hangout on Instagram afterwards (so again, put down that damn iPhone unless you want to buy a new one).

Reading is more of a method of processing information rather than a mechanical activity in which you look at words for the sake of looking at them. You need to understand and question what you’re reading not just accept them as facts.

Try to create a mental image of what you’re reading. Pictures are easy to remember. And use colors and highlighters. Share on X

“A picture is worth a thousand words”

Try to summarize the main ideas and provide an example or two at the end. Use sticky notes every now and then to write down your last conclusion (Every Now and Then… unless you want to turn that book into a sticky note magnet).

I advise you as well to read when you’re the most rested and alert. You’ll have better chances to retain what you have read and enjoy your reading as well.

#3 Procrastination

Yup! The one problem you and I suffer from the most.(but since you’re the one reading this post, that counts me out).

You see, procrastination is not a problem that is related to you only. People procrastinate a lot because they tend to do their duties when they’re hurried the most. When they have no choice except for acting on it.

The good thing is that it can be solved. And it can only be solved by believing in the fact that if you do your stuff at the time being, you’ll end up gaining more time in the future.

You’ll avoid being hurried and you’ll get the chance to have as much time as you want to focus on revising and editing your notes, not to mention, doing other things.

Procrastination is more of a mind-game and the only way to beat a game is to know its mechanics.

It gives limits to the time we have until we become hurried. and when we’re hurried we look at studies as tasks to be done not to be accomplished. And instead of studying effectively, you’ll find yourself studying just for the sake of getting tasks out of the way.

#4 Ask Ask Ask

Asking questions is one of the most, if not the most fundamental step in effective studying. You must ask as many questions as you need to in order to understand the subject you have been studying.

You don’t need to ask a brilliant question to get the answer you want (because that’s what I do mostly and I end up reformulating my question for the teacher).

Your question can be as simple as, “Can you please re-explain the last point, sir?”

And if you can’t ask the question in front of your classmates, it’s okay, note it down and ask the teacher later on when you’re alone with him (instead of asking for extra marks).

Asking questions help you understand the subject matter better. It fills the wholes of understanding that you may have encountered during the lecture. Share on X

It is completely normal for the teacher to forget a point or two while teaching. Teachers deal with a lot of students during the day. And it is up to you to ask you teacher as many questions as possible if you want to study more effectively because you’re your own focal point.

Besides, asking your teacher a question is one of the best initiatives you can ever do if you ever wanted to show interest in a teacher’s subject. It will be well received by the teacher and you will show a good attitude towards the subject been taught by him/her. Not only that, but your teacher is the most suited person to help you with all your inquiries and to expose your doubts to.

#5 Collaborate

By now, you should have a major idea of who your classmates are and who are the most effective ones of them. It is advisable if you choose at least one or two study partners to revise with and who are motivated as you to achieve good grades.

Remember: STUDY partners. Partners you WORK WELL with. Partners you know and I know that are less likely to interfere with your study plan (not the same partners you ended up with singing karaoke the night of the exam).

Even if you don’t meet too often, try to use technology (that’s the purpose of the invention in the first place for heaven’s sake!). Try to share notes with each other and explain to the members who find difficulties in understanding a certain point.

#6 Have a Break

No one is a superhuman (except for that nerd over there because apparently he can scan a 1000 pages’ book in a single night). You need to embrace the fact that in order to achieve an optimum level of understanding, you need to have some time to rest in. (And NO! playing battlefield for 2 hours is not considered as a break).

It can be any activity that takes no longer than 10 minutes. Go for a walk with your study partner. Have a cup of coffee or some juice.

It may feel at the beginning like procrastination. It can be only true if it remains for a long time. But as long as it doesn’t take too much time, rest reassured IT IS NOT.

#7 Test Your Self

Yes! I get it. and you’re right, it is strange. But do you remember the time you entered the exam environment and you ended up forgetting everything you have revised. Some supernatural stuff is happening, huh?

The solution is to have a kind of simulation before the exam day. It will push your brain to remember the dates, names, places mentioned in the lesson as if you were about to recall them for the real exam.

Not only that, but when you test yourself before the exam, you’ll know for sure what are the lessons that need to be revised more and what are the ones you have perfectly learned.

And the best part is that you’ll have a chance to predict the real exam questions, thus, boosting your confidence.

#8 Small Changes Matter

You may not get an A+ the first time you apply these tips, but bear in mind that studying effectively is an ongoing process. It takes practice and discipline to reach the level you thrive for.

So if you want to keep moving forward and follow the path you’ve chosen for you study career, you need to value the progress you have made so far.

Take pride in your success even if it is small. What’s more important, is that you need to visualize your path. Your own path of success. Set a goal for yourself and dedicate yourself to it. It doesn’t matter whether it will take a month or two or even a year. To be better, you need to take a different road than the others, the road less traveled by.


Studying effectively is one of the best skills you can ever learn in your life. It will not only boost your self-confidence and help you achieve amazing grades, but it will also pave your way to adopt another variety of skills linked to it.


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