Depression: 8 Natural Ways To Beat The Blues

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by Wes

Depression is often a creeping disease, manifested by symptoms such as sadness, loss of interest in activities and low self-esteem.

Sometimes depression is also accompanied by poor appetite, difficulty sleeping, apathy, and difficulty in concentration.

The best thing to do in case you are having some of the feelings and symptoms described above is to turn to specialized doctors. And perhaps get yourself a treatment of psychological therapy.

You Are Not Alone!

According to data released by the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 322 million people fighting depression. That is about 4.4% of the total world population. Share on X

Life is not always rosy and it is absolutely normal for all of us to experience some moments of sadness or depression. Many people suffer from mood fluctuations and for different reasons, your mood can become very bad.

The good news is, that your bad mood can also be countered by activating some self-help attitudes to keep these fluctuations under control.

A small change in your behavior, your physical activity, your lifestyle and your way of thinking, can be a great anti-depression treatment!

Read these 8 practical tips to beat the blues naturally.

1 – Follow a “happy” diet!

Eating a healthy and balanced diet helps you regain a good mood in a natural way. Also, there are some foods that have therapeutic values and can help you fight depression at the table. Share on X

There are foods that contain substances that regulate stress and help to naturally raise the levels of serotonin. Chocolate, salmon and all fish and eggs that are rich in Omega 3 are just some.

2 – Stop being catastrophic

A mental attitude that leads straight to self-sabotage and depressive states of mind is the one that always thinks about the worst possible scenario, and everything that could go wrong in any situation.

Instead, take a step back and try to look at life in a realistic and in a positive way. It’s never the end of the world. And sometimes the implications of certain situations can surprise you in ways you do not even expect.

3 – Do not continually “ruminate” negative thoughts

Does something negative happen to you and you relive it in your head almost obsessively? This means ruminating: or “re-chewing” of what happened to you, and reliving sadness and disappointment over and over again.

Reflecting on the things that happen to you is healthy because it allows you to read them and understand them. And ultimately to avoid finding yourself in the same situation in the future.

Rumination does not have these characteristics, because it is a simple recap of the negative experience that you had.

4 – Focus on positive things

The way you decide to look at the world and everything that happens to you has a great influence on the management of depression and anxiety attacks.

If you focus on negative things then you need to stop now. Start getting into the habit of looking for what’s good in every situation. And trust me, there is always something good.

5 – Be kind to yourself

When we feel down, we tend to make things worse. We make things worse by, feeling guilty and we become very strict with ourselves. So we do not help ourselves in fighting the depression. We ourselves become enemies of ourselves.  

Start by being your own best friend. Try to understand your actions without judging them and without a negative and self-destructive thought.

6 – To fight depression, stop worrying about the future … and the past!

It’s totally useless to worry about what could happen tomorrow. Or even worse to grieve for what happened yesterday.

A good thing from the past is that it has passed. If you stop worrying about it, then you can free yourself from it. And you will start living the present in its fullness. Always try to stay in the present. Not only is the present much more manageable, but it is also the basis of your future! Share on X

7 – Do not lose connection with others

When we do not feel well, the temptation to close the connection to the outside world is very strong. The reality is that isolating yourself will only make you feel worse.  Staying at home alone is not a good way to fight depression, it may even increase and worsen it.

Having a social life can give you the chance to find support from your friends. And to gain the energy required to boost the positive mentality.

8 – Choose a routine and follow it

Establishing a daily routine and respecting it is of paramount importance. It will give you a sense of regularity and stability, which is a great help in the case of depression.

Even if you do not want to, make sure you get up at the same time every day. Eat at regular times, have an orderly sleep and get some exercise.


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