Exams 101 – Top Tips on Crushing It : Pre-Revision

Exams 101 - Top Tips on Crushing It
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by Max

Hi, this is IRFY, and today’s articles is not your usual “How to Learn Spanish in 2 Days” clickbait.

Today, I am going to show you exactly how to revise and prepare for your exams so that you can get some unusual and amazing grades.

The methods you are going to learn today are a 100% IRFY exclusive. I am going to expose the proven techniques that I use, and teach my friends, in order to prepare for exams and literally crush every single one of them.

Let’s get started!

#1 Be Aware of What You’re Studying

Amat Victoria Curam”

This is a Latin saying whose English translation is “Success favors those who take pains”. Another translation of it, from the movie “The Mechanic”, is: Victory Loves Preparation.

The day before starting university, I watched The Mechanic. I was so fascinated by the quote that I wrote it on the cover page of my notebook. It serves as a reminder that puts me back on track whenever I feel that I am deviating a bit.

What I love about the quote is that it is realistic.

Let’s face it! Both you and I know that those who get good grades are the ones who are aware of their curriculum and their lectures.

“School girls are not distractions. They are students. Teach them something other than misogyny.”
Available on Redbubble.

This is why it is necessary for you to at least know the titles of the lectures you are studying. That way you can google them in case you didn’t understand something and couldn’t get a re-explanation of it.

One of my mentors used to tell me this:

Our brains work in form of layers. Whenever we learn something new, it is theoretically stored in our brain in form of a layer of data. This is why when we start to recall information, it is easier for us to remember the most recent lectures than the old ones.”

By being aware of the curriculum and the titles of the lectures, you are highlighting these lectures inside of your brain, and giving them some sort of an address.

And when you need to revise for an exam, the process of remembering the details will be easier. Why? Because “finding an egg in the corner of the right wing of Walmart is way easier than finding an egg in the middle of a store you are visiting for the first time”.

Recalling information that belongs to a particular title, is way easier than remembering some random piece of data. Share on X

#2 Make Use of Your Surroundings

Instead of logging in to Facebook and scrolling through your daily feed, make use of those green dots right there in the corner and see what you can get from them.

You need to know how to use Social Media for your own benefit.


So, instead of clicking the “add Friend” button and sending a friend request to that hot guy or girl, you may want to reconsider who you want to turn to in such times.

During the night of the exam, both you and I know that there is no one better to consult then your genius classmate. Share on X

And by taking the current odds into consideration, consulting him/her is not optional my friend. It is a necessity. If you want to get good grades, you have to admit that they know better than you do. That might come in handy as far as revision is concerned. So, you better delete those useless clichés about nerds.

And trust me on this one, “Your grades after 5 or 10 years will matter more than your social status at school”.

Revising with the nerds will help you more than staying with Bill while he is gossiping about his ex. So, for once, try to make the right call.

This is it, as far as the Pre-revision part is concerned.

In the next article, we will discuss how to revise your notes for the exams.

If you enjoyed this article don’t forget to drop a comment below. Tell us about your own experience with revising and what you think about the techniques provided today.

See you in the next article.


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