Exams 101 – Top Tips on Crushing It : The Revision

Exams 101 - Top Tips on Crushing It
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by Max

Hi this is IRFY, and welcome to the 2nd and crucial part of Exams 101 – Top Tips For Crushing It: The Revision.

In this part I will teach you how to make the most of your notes so that you can go and get those grades that you are aiming for.

So, without any further ado, let’s jump right into it.

#1 Classifying the Notes

If you’ve followed the tips that I showed you in the previous article, you probably have all the notes that you need to prepare for your exams.

But what if these notes are not well classified, and you’re not sure where to begin your revision process?

Having scattered notes is a big setback. You will not be able to follow up with the stream of information of the lectures without them.

Having to take frequent breaks to search for the right notes could result in forgetting the information. In the end you’ll just get confused and maybe not understand any of it.

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In order to avoid these problems, follow at least one of these techniques:

a) While collecting the notes, or while writing them, classify them by following a particular order. Share on X

For instance, you can use the dates that they were written on and start from the oldest to the newest.

You can classify the lectures by titles and group the notes which belong to the same title all together.

b) Call a friend and ask them to help you in grouping the notes.

One method is to assign numbers to the papers. That way you’ll know which page comes first and which comes last.

You can assign subtitles to these pages which refer to the content of the page.

Most importantly, you should not forget to group common notes all together. Do this before jumping to a different lecture in order to avoid any possible shuffle.

#2 Use the S.M.A.R.T Objective Model

You don’t need to memorize every piece of info if you want to get good marks. What you need to do is to just memorize the right ones. Share on XAnd it’s easier than you think.
Just use the S.M.A.R.T Model.

The S.M.A.R.T Model is a work plan that allows you to achieve your objectives strategically. And every letter stands for a part of the plan.

S => Specific: You need to be specific when revising.

Say you are revising an experiment that you have dealt with in class. What you need to focus on is the relation between the different variables and not the variables themselves.

M => Measurable: When revising a certain lecture, you need to know where the lecture begins and ends.

As a result you will know how much time the revision process will take.

Customise it – Make it your own

A => Achievable: Before revising a certain lecture, find out how much you’ll be able to revise in time before the exam.

By doing this you are calculating the risks and allowing yourself to make the right move. Decide whether to revise a certain lecture or go on to the next one.

Pay attention to the ‘pillar lectures’. If the lecture represents a fundamental part of the following ones, then you’ll need to dedicate some time to it.

R => Relevant: When revising a lecture, make sure that you are revising the right and relevant information.

If you are revising the reasons behind the outbreak of the second World War, you should only focus on the reasons and try to understand them fully. If you digress to other parts you’ll just be wasting time.

T => Time-Bound: Dedicate specific hours for revision (away from any distraction) and dedicate others for rest.

Burning the midnight oil is not always the best move. Our brains, just like any other organ, needs to go into hibernation periodically.

If you don’t allow your brain a certain amount of rest, you may experience memory and concentration problems. This is why you need to set time aside for revision and rest before the exam.


After finishing your revision, you need to make sure that you understand the material that you have revised. There is no point in memorizing something you have not fully understood. Share on X

You can test your understanding of the subject matter by asking yourself possible questions. Try to answer them as if you are in a real exam situation.

Customise it – Make it your own

This way, you will not only be assured that you have revised in the right way, but you will also give yourself a confidence booster. This could help you in overcoming some of the stress and fears related to exams.

With that being said, I really hope you have enjoyed the topic of today. If you have anything in mind, don’t hesitate to drop it in the comment section below.

Good luck with your exams!


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