Feed Your Brain – Get Better Results

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by Asif

There is no need for an introduction to understand the importance of food. It has been, and will always be, the main source of energy and nutrients to keep our bodies functioning. 

But, which foods can improve your memory and alertness? 
Which foods will best aid you while studying?
And can they help you get better test results? 

You are not the only one asking these questions. So, let’s look at some popular foods that could help make your brain more efficient.

Here are the Top 5 Brain Foods:

#1 Nuts

You have probably heard about the importance of nuts before. Almost all kinds of nuts are good for your health, and beneficial for your brain in different ways.

Walnuts, for example, assist with the waste removal processes in the brain. They also help you to store information faster. And almonds have high levels of vitamin E that boosts alertness and improves memory

#2 Blueberries

Call them 'brain berries' and you won't be wrong. Like nuts, they too help improve your memory. Share on X

They also contain antioxidants that prevents Alzheimer disease, and high levels of Gallic acid, which protects your brain from stress.

#3 Dark chocolate

It has enough caffeine to boost your memory and concentration, and is an antioxidant powerhouse that is enjoyable to eat. 

Make yourself a chocolate smoothie and your mood will improve as well. Chocolate stimulates your endorphin production which gives you a feeling of pleasure.

Not only that, but dark chocolate increases the blood flow to the brain​, which enhances your reaction time, your focus and problem-solving capabilities!

Talk about super food!  

#4 Protein-Rich Foods

Protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish and eggs, lead to greater mental strength. These proteins contain vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Omega 3 fats and Carnosine. 

Omega 3 fatty acids build your brain-cell membrane. Vitamin D is only found in fish and is crucial for proper brain development and function. 

Vitamin B12 and Carnosine slow down the aging process and keeps your brain young and healthy. Share on X

#5 Broccoli

This is easily one of the best foods for your brain. 

It contains two vital nutrients that improve brain function – Vitamin K and Choline, â€‹which strengthen cognitive abilities and sharpens your memory

It has been discovered that people who eat broccoli perform better on memory tests. So, bite into a bit of broccoli before your exams.

There are other foods as well that can help your brain to function better, but these ones are easy to come by. Adding them to your diet will get you off to a great start.

However, these brain foods won’t be any help if you don’t study. So, study hard and maintain a good routine. 

​​And don’t forget to drink plenty of water. 

Your brain is 73% water and dehydration will dull your brain. Share on X 

Good luck with your studies!




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