Ghosts: Are they real?

Ghosts: Are they real?
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by Merlyn Gabriel Miller

Ghosts, haunted houses and tales of paranormal activity excite us. Even though most of us fear the unknown, we are also curious about it.

Ghost stories are a staple around camp fires, and we love to watch movies about all the creepy things that go bump in the night.

And, we all know at least one person who’s seen a ghost.
Maybe we have even experienced a few strange happenings ourselves.

But what exactly is a ghost?
And how do you know if that is what you have seen?


Facts About Ghosts

The only fact about ghosts that can not be denied, is that a lot of people claim to have seen one.

According to a Fox News report, a whopping 60% of Americans believe they have seen a ghost! Share on X

That’s a huge number of people.

And yet, most scientist are sceptical. Some even flat our refuse to accept the possibility of such a creature.

Sadly, this means that not a whole lot of research has been done on the subject, and we still don’t know what this phenomenon is. It may not even be paranormal, even though that is what most think.

Maybe, if we dig a little deeper into the subject, we will find that it has a perfectly natural explanation?

Who knows.

Right now, we can’t even answer the simple question, “Are ghosts real?” If they are not, more than half the population are imagining things... Share on X

Disembodied spirits haunting us from beyond the grave, or a large delusional population.

I don’t know which is more scary.

Types Of Ghosts

Even if we can’t know for sure what ghosts are, there seem to be different types of these apparitions. And ghost sightings are as diverse as the people who report them.

Some have seen famous ghosts of long dead actors, noblemen and artists.

Orbs, small glowing balls of light, are often seen around graveyards and appear on photos.

Floating spirits that do not have a recognisable human form are common at haunted places.

Poltergeists can scare the living daylights out of people with their antics, throwing things about and making a lot of noise.

The spirit of a loved one, human or animal, may come back to visit after death. And people who are skilled in astral projection can appear as living ghosts.

Sometimes the ghosts communicate with the living, and appear to be conscious. Others simply behave as if they are stuck in a time loop, repeating the same behaviours forever. Share on X

Proof That Ghosts Are Real

Every other day, someone posts a ghost video to YouTube. They all get named or promoted the same way: “Proof that ghosts are real!”, “Amazing ghost vid that proves ghosts exists” and so on.

Many of these are fakes, just put up there to get views and earn revenue. Some are less than amazing and leave the viewers feeling cheated. And very few, creep under your skin and makes even the most ardent non-believer ask, “Do ghosts exist?”

Not out loud, obviously.

Until such time as science takes this phenomenon seriously, and decide to investigate it, I doubt we’ll get definitive proof.

Videos and images are way too easy to fake these days, and even if you managed to capture Marilyn Monroe, Napoleon or your long dead Aunty Esther on camera, no-one would believe it was real.

And eye-witness testimony?


They’re all drunk or mad, seeing something that isn’t there, or just looking for attention.

Nope, they don’t count either.

But, if you have seen a ghost – you know it’s real. Just like you know love is real, because you are able to experience it. And in that case, what others believe, or what science can prove, matters very little.

Seen A Ghost?

Since 60 percent of you have seen a ghost, I’m betting there are some great stories out there. Maybe you have even managed to capture one with your camera?

Let us know in the comments below, and we promise we won’t haunt you.

Happy Halloween!


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