How To Detox The Right Way

How To Detox The Right Way
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by Merlyn Gabriel Miller

You have probably heard about detoxing, and how it could be good for your health. But how exactly do you detox?

Google has plenty of answers for that, but I would suggest ignoring at least 50% of the results. Because the real question is: what are you hoping to achieve through detoxing?

Once you know the answer, you can find out how to detox the right way, for you.

How to detox

There are two main ways to detox: Cutting out and cleansing. These should be used together for maximum effectiveness. Share on X

If you want to control or eliminate your diabetes, cutting out sugar is the first step. This means saying goodbye to candy, sweet drinks and even being careful with fruit juices, as those have a high content of natural sugars. And of course: stay away from alcohol.

The organ that is most affected by diabetes, is the pancreas. This is where the hormone insulin is produced, that helps maintain a level blood sugar. So the cleansing part of a diabetes detox should involve the pancreas.

Ginger Tea, Lemons, Dandelion and Garlic are just some foods and herbs that may be used to cleanse the pancreas.

General tips for a successful detox

There are many detox plans, diets and products out there that could be useful to you. However, knowing which is right for you takes a little research.

Don’t just jump on the first and best product that promises to solve your problems. You could end up cleaning out your wallet as well, and not get the results you want.

Follow these simple guidelines instead:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water every day (you can’t flush out toxins without liquids)
  • Exercise (it will make you feel better, less stressed, be healthier, and sweating also removes toxins)
  • Reduce sugar and alcohol intake (it’s not good for you and you know it)
  • Stop eating fast food and processed foods (you don’t put trash into the tank of a Ferrari and expect it to run, do you?)
  • De-stress (stress doesn’t help your health, and it is often the cause of really bad decisions – like eating junk or drinking to “unwind”. Yoga and Qi Gong have plenty of great de-stress exercises)
  • Get sufficient sleep (sleep helps your body and mind regenerate)
With these six tips alone you can remove most of the toxins from your body, as well as keep them out. And the best part is they're free and easy to do. Share on X

Creating your own detox plan

The two-step formula of cut and cleanse, and the six tips above is a great start to any detox process. But if you want to tailor it to your specific needs, here is how you do it:

  1. Identify the problem
    Are you looking for a general detox plan to improve your health, or do you want to target a specific area, like cellulite, cholesterol or weight loss?
  2. Research to find solutions for your problem
    To lose weight, a general detox may be enough. If you want to detox to improve your heart health, cutting out saturated fats and substituting them for healthy Omega 3 fats would be a good start. And if you want better skin, adding Vitamin C rich foods to your diet will help. Search online for “Your Problem + Detox“, and see what comes up, and talk to your doctor or nutritionist to get a qualified point of view.
  3. Decide on the timeline
    How long you need to detox for depends on what you want to achieve. Skin cells regenerate in 28-40 days, red blood cells have a lifespan of 4 months, the liver regenerates in 300-500 days, the heart in 6 years and so on. However, detoxing for that length of time is not advisable, at least not intensively.
  4. Divide the detox plan into several stages
    The first intensive phase should not last more than 14 days. After that you may incorporate elements of the detox into your daily life, or set aside certain times where you do a mini-detox. If the first stage is 14 days, the second could be a 3 month period of time where you detox two days per week. The third stage could be a lifestyle change that involves a three day detox every 6 months and Ginger Tea every morning.

What to do after a detox

What should be obvious, but which people often forget, is that you don’t go straight back to your old routines after a detox. It would be like jumping back into the sewer after taking a shower. It defeats the purpose.

Even if the intensive phase of the program is over, and you have achieved the results that you want, resist the temptation to think that you can forget all about it.

A detox should be used to kickstart a healthy, new life. Not as a panic button that you push whenever you are in trouble. Share on X

After all, as you have already seen, keeping your body healthy and free of toxins does not have to be all that difficult, or expensive. Just don’t put junk in, and add water to flush out. Cut and cleanse.


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