How To Find Work From Home Jobs On LinkedIn

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by Merlyn Gabriel Miller

Every day I see people posting the same questions in the “work from home” groups on Facebook:

  • Where can I find a real home job?
  • I’m looking for a part time job that I can do from home. Any tips?
  • Stay-at-home mom, need cash NOW! Work has to be home based. Everything of interest. Please help!!!

Usually, they end up attracting the attention of scammers. People who tell them they can make thousands of dollars per day, doing basically nothing. And desperate job seekers frequently take the bait.

But there is one option that many overlook, and that is LinkedIn.

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REMOTE = Work From Home Jobs

If you are looking for regular work that you can do from home (and not just freelance work), then get on LinkedIn ASAP.

Some jobs may be freelance or contract, but many employers are searching for people they can depend on long term. So, if you want a home job that comes with a steady pay check, you can find those on LinkedIn.

Just go to the JOBS tab, and you’ll get the view in the picture above. Where it says LOCATION, just type in REMOTE. And press the search button.

Right now, there are 61, 911 remote jobs available. And I bet at least ONE of those will suit you.

So, let’s talk about how you narrow down these great opportunities, to find the right one for you.

How To Narrow Down Your Search

Now that you have seen all the home job offers, it’s time to sift through them.

Once you get to your result page, you should see several sorting methods. If you select the ALL FILTERS option to the right side of the page, you’ll get the full list of options below.

You can sort by date posted. If you choose “past 24 hours”, you can be one of the first to apply. Or, if you want work that is a fit to your level of expertise, choose “Experience Level” and select what you believe applies to you. And if you look under Job Type, you can pick temporary, full-time positions, contract and more.

Job function can help you find work in administration or sales, for example. But if you can’t find what you want, you can always add it. The same goes for industry. And if you want to work for a specific company, there is even a possibility to search for that directly.

Location may be an issue for some employers, even with remote positions. Some jobs are only open to residents of that country, and not worldwide.

If you are worried about writing applications, think that they take forever to finish, or don’t feel up to it, select “Easy Apply” listed under LinkedIn Features. These are jobs you don’t have to deliver a written application for. Once you submit an easy apply form, employers will go to your LinkedIn profile to see if you are a match for the job. Which reminds me, PLEASE UPDATE YOUR PROFILE.

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Profiles Matter!

A LinkedIn profile without a picture, is an applicant with no personality. Or, a person with something to hide. That is a red flag to employers. Share on X

Be sure to fill in the details about your work experience and education. If you can’t remember the exact dates, that is not a big issue. Just fill in the important bits, like the job title, the name of the company and what your work responsibilities were.

The “About” part should also be filled out. Avoid repeating what is already in your education and work experience sections. Instead, let employers know WHO they are dealing with. Are you a creative person or an early riser? Ambitious or kind? Do you prefer to work with others, or alone? Got any hobbies that you love, or other talents and skills?

And please, write a great headline (which is the first thing people see). Something you’d be happy to be introduced as, or that will catch the eye of your dream employer.

“Desperate for work, please help! I’ll do anything” or similar statements, should not under any circumstances appear on your profile. Even if that is how you feel. Desperation is not an attractive quality in a job seeker, any more than it is in a date. Share on X

Last, but not least: Let employers know that you are open to job opportunities. You’ll find that option right under your headline. You can only select 5 job titles, so make sure these are the jobs you most want to do.

Good luck with your job search!


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