Money Burning A Hole In Your Pocket?

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Let’s be honest with ourselves. Both you and I know that, at least once in our life, we spent a dollar or more in the wrong place. And you shouldn’t be ashamed of it or worry about it.

BUT what you should worry about is when money starts burning a hole in your pocket and you get into the “This is the last dollar I’m going to spend” loop.

You will begin to have some serious issues when it comes to savings. Issues that you need to solve from the very beginning if you ever wanted to save money in the future.

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Because the thing with money is that it starts small but it gets bigger and bigger until you realize that you have no money to spend and the next thing you will remember is that you have bills waiting for you at your doorstep.

And I admit it. I hate bills too. Who doesn’t?

“Money is a good slave but a bad master” the proverb goes.

Forgetting how to spend excessively is 100% impossible. NO, you cannot go to your secret lab and do a brain wash and the next thing is finding money in your pocket.

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It is a process. A process that you need to be aware of in order to break the loop of spending. A process that you will learn if you keep on reading this blog, because today I’m going to show you how to be the master of your own money by following these 4 simple steps that most scientists agree upon:

1. Leave that money at home

I’m not asking you to plant your money and water it and expect it to grow double the amount it was once you get back home at night.

Nor should you leave your money on the table, especially if you have younger siblings (veteran advice, trust me).


But what I’m telling you is that you don’t need to take those dollars with you whenever you decide to go outside. This is not oxygen! You won’t die if you don’t spend some money every day.

You need to limit your spending by having a to-get list to work according to. As a result, you will get only what is necessary and you will save the rest of the money for another day. Share on X

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Learning how to save money and how to spend it correctly is one amazing skill that you need to master. Because “those who know how to manage their pennies, know how to manage their life”.

A life that is precious to you the same way your dollar should be. 


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