The Influence of Blockchain on Digital Marketing

The Influence of Blockchain on Digital Marketing
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by guest writer Emma Sumner, Business Strategist, Sumner Coach Academy.

Emma is a business strategist-turned blogger. She lives in Auckland, New Zealand. Emma is a  passionate traveller and yoga aficionado. She is in love with coffee, interior design, books, and good vibes.

If you’ve been paying attention in the last couple of years, you simply had to hear a lot about blockchain. Blockchain technology is revolutionizing many industries, mostly does that deal with finances but it sure had an impact on the world of digital marketing as well.

On top of this, experts in digital marketing are expected to come up with even more uses for it in their industry. But how exactly is blockchain changing digital marketing? Read on to find out.

Building trust

With more and more small businesses in the digital marketing industry, it’s critical for them to gain the trust of their customers. If they fail to do so, they’ll lose them to well-established brands in the industry. Share on X This is especially the case because people are quite skeptical about what they’re being told by a business without testing it themselves.

However, with blockchain, customers can be ensured that every record will be kept and open for everyone to see on this technology. This should force digital marketing businesses to be more transparent when it comes to their operations.

Also, agencies can be held more accountable for their actions, making it safer for customers to turn to those that have just opened for business.

Tracking keywords

It’s safe to say SEO is one of the most important parts of digital marketing as we know it. The problem for digital marketers is that the algorithms used by search engines tend to change quite often, making their jobs more difficult.

Moreover, keeping track and deciphering between local and national searches is problematic and they could use all the help they can get.

Luckily, blockchain technology can help them get their hands on the real numbers when keyword tracking, meaning that they can trust the numbers they collect more.

People in the industry are already thinking about building a tracker on a blockchain that should be able to account for all the inconsistencies and allow better keyword tracking.

Better online security

There’s no need to say that having a website is now a must for companies in every industry. Most companies who can’t afford an in-house marketing expert turn to experts in digital marketing for help. Their job is to build an online presence for their clients and ensure customers engage in their website as much as possible.

The problem is, there are so many hackers who can break into the website and cash it, scam people or simply make it unavailable. Luckily, a blockchain-based system makes it more difficult for hackers to exploit any vulnerabilities. This can make a huge difference for companies in most fields.

For example, the best online casino sites have to protect their customers’ privacy and personal information.

Faster operations

Like in most other fields, it’s critical for experts in the world of digital marketing to be efficient. They want their transactions to be executed as quickly as possible so that they could focus on the core aspects of their work.

This is exactly what blockchain technology can help them with, since it allows millions of transactions to take place at the same time, unlike it was until now when thousands of transactions used to occur.

Not only this but the use of blockchain also eliminates the need for a third party to be involved when working with customers. This means digital marketers can save both time and money if they decide to have their transactions take place on the blockchain.

Combating click frauds

One of the most common types of frauds happening in the world of digital marketing are click frauds. This combined with the lack of transparency regarding online ads makes internet users less likely to trust online ads.

However, since blockchain technology has been introduced, companies have started working on creating a registry on it. This registry should help solve the problem click frauds and allow internet users to trust online ads more.

Platforms like this provide full transparency to the web users, which is something that hasn’t existed in digital marketing before. Share on X This should allow digital marketers to create better ads and have people online engage in these ads at a greater extent.

Final thoughts

Blockchain is a relatively new concept and although it’s already used by experts in digital marketing, we can expect to see its role in the industry start to increase.

It’s a tool that can do wonders for the entire field, mostly because it helps both marketers boost their operations and internet users trust companies’ marketing efforts at a greater extent.


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