Top 5 Foods That Boost Your Sex Drive And Stamina

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​Not surprisingly, a lack of sexual desire could be the main reason for ‘THE END’ in many relationships. 

And why wouldn’t it be? 

Sex is the arena where the partners come really close. Possibly the closest they can be, both physically and mentally. 

Some say, that this is where the two finally become One, and merge together in a state of ecstasy.

Keeping that intimacy alive is crucial to a happy life together.

But what happens to your sex drive when your job leaves you feeling tired and frustrated by the end of the day? When the responsibilities of everyday life takes the energy out of you, and with it, the zest out of your love life?

Eventually, you start suffering from low libido, and end up losing your sexual desire even when you are free. Sex is not even on the menu anymore. All you want to do is sleep, or veg out in front of the TV.

The good news is, that you can do something about that

And the easiest way to start, is in the kitchen – with aphrodisiacs.

So, what are aphrodisiacs, and how do they work? 

Aphrodisiacs can be called medicine for your sex life, and they work to boost your sexual desire and capacity. Share on X Just like all the medicines from your local pharmacy, take your medicine regularly and you will start to see the results in a few days. 

Here are the top 5 aphrodisiacs that you can add to your diet today â€‹to boost your sex life.

#1 Oysters

Oysters are arguably the most popular and well known aphrodisiac. They are loaded with zinc which helps the body to produce testosterone. This hormone improves the libido and sexual function of both sexes.

#2 Banana

No, it’s not because of its appearance, but for the nutrients it contains. 

Bananas contain bromelain enzyme which improves sexual desire. It may also help reverse impotence. Share on X

Not only that, but the potassium and Vitamin B found in bananas, increases the body’s overall energy level, which can help you keep going for longer.

#3 Honey

Its sweetness can even sweeten your love life. No wonder the ancients named the honeymoon after it. 

Honey stimulates the production of sex hormones, improves blood circulation, and even helps your body produce nitric oxide, which is beneficial for your heart, your stamina and sexual arousal.

It’s rich level of nutrients and antioxidants seriously does its job. 

#4 Almonds

Even just the aroma can turn on a girl. 

Almonds are high in arginine. It’s an amino acid that is used on treatment for erectile dysfunction and a lack of libido.

They are also rich in Vitamin E that promote youthfulness and provides the energy needed during sex.

#5 Dark chocolate

No list of aphrodisiacs would be complete without it.

Chocolate isn’t called the love-drug just for its deliciousness, but for the ‘feelgood’ chemicals present in cocoa. 

One of them is phenylethylamine which helps with the release endorphins, which are associated with a positive mood and happiness. 

Cocoa can also spark the Serotonin production in your brain, which increases your overall sense of well-being. Share on X




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