Top 7 Online Dating Tips for Serious Relationships

Serious Dating
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If you are single and want someone special in your life, we are here to help you find true love!

Online dating is widely used all over the world to build long-lasting romantic relationships. So, despite what you may think, not everyone on these platforms are superficial people looking for a quick hook-up.

Yes, it really is possible to find ‘the one‘ on the web. If you know where to start searching. Luckily, you have us to help you with that.

Let’s get started!

#1 Be Prepared (But Don’t Hesitate)

Before starting any relationship, you have to prepare yourself. Even on the best platforms, you may run into people who are not what they seem. Or, worse – they are exactly as they seem.

Yes, there are some stereotypes when it comes to online dating. Like men who only go after a younger women, and women that only want to date rich men.

Not to mention all the trolls that pop up to show you a picture of their privates. Or, the scammers that tell you a sad sob story to get you to part with your money.

And you may think that the people who use online dating platforms are superficial and only care about looks.

But “all five fingers are not equal”, as they say. So, don’t think this is the truth for all that go online looking for a date.

Some of them are JUST LIKE YOU! Serious daters, looking for real and lasting LOVE.

And it is really not that difficult to find someone online if you are serious. Even if you are a little worried about the fakes out there, do not hesitate to try it out!

Many have found their dream partner online.
So, why shouldn’t you?

#2 Invest Time On Your Profile

Creating a good profile is an art form, and it can be difficult to create a profile that makes a good impression.

Some have a tendency to overdo it and try to cram everything in there. Others don’t even bother putting up a profile pic.

The best advice we’ve found, is actually very simple:

  • Avoid using a profile picture that doesn’t show your right facial features, or using heavy filters.
  • Write your bio as short as possible.
If your profile pic looks like Beyonce, but you show up in real life looking like Smeagol - don't expect a second date. Share on X

And no, ‘everybody does it’ is not a valid excuse.

Besides, you don’t want to give your potential dream lover the wrong impression now, do you? Because if you are ‘lying’ on your profile (with exessive filters, Photoshop, weird angles etc.) Then, what else are you lying about? Are you even real? Don’t give your date a chance to second guess you.

And please keep your bio SHORT. It’s not a book you are writing. Not even a job application.

It’s a statement.

State who you are and what you are looking for. The rest you can tell your date when you see them, either online or in person.

#3 Call Instead Of Texting

Avoid text messages if you can, because you can’t get a feel for someone via text. It’s too easy to hide there.

Hearing someone’s voice can tell you a lot about them. Even if their words are friendly, the way they speak can reveal that they are not.

Text doesn’t do that.

#4 Don’t Get Obsessed Over Looks

Here’s the ugly truth: Looks fade!

They might be attractive today, but in 20 years time they will not look the same. And neither will you. So, what then?

If it’s a long term relationship that you want, then you have to go deeper than appearances. You have to find out who this person is on the inside.


So, if you check someone’s profile and see that your most important traits match – give them a chance. Even if the profile picture is not all that attractive.

Charm, humour and kindness rarely comes through in pictures anyway, and that is often what people fall for.

#5 Choose Someone With A Compatible Lifestyle

When you are choosing someone for a long-lasting relationship, choose someone with a compatible lifestyle. After all, you are going to live with this person for a long time.

If their habits drive you crazy (in a bad way), and their goals and values don't match yours, the relationship may not last. And if it does, it will probably not be a happy one. Share on X


Their way of living can help you understand their nature. And adventurous person may like extreme sports or love to travel. If you value these things as well, you’ll find it easier to get along. And of course, discover things you both enjoy and can do together as a couple.

The differences might not bother you much in the short term, but if you want a lasting relationship, matching lifestyles are important. Because if you are a couch potato, and your partner is a fitness nut, you’re likely to get on eachothers nerves.

#6 Enjoy Every Moment

When you first start dating, it is exciting. Everything is new, and probably you are both a little bit nervous. And that is OK.

You have to enjoy the little moments on your first dates. It doesn’t have to be romantic candlelight dinners, a night at the opera, or anything expensive or elaborate.

It could just be a quiet stroll along the beach, a picnic in the park, or a cup of coffee at a local coffe house.

Focus on getting to know the other person, and just being present. That is really all you need to do on your date. No need to make it complicated.

Because, what you need is to spend quality time with each other. And quality time doesn’t mean a lot of time either. A 15 minute date is no worse than a 2 hour date. And dating once a week, instead of 3 nights a week, is just as good.

Take your time in getting to know eachother, and don’t stress. Just enjoy it and go with the flow.

#7 Know Where You Are Willing To Comprimise

Every relationship needs a little compromise. But what is important for you to clarify, is where you are willing to give a little, and where you are not willing to compromise. Share on X

And try to understand the position of your partner on important topics. Find out if these are compatible with what you want.

Say you meet someone who wants to have sex on the first date, but you want to be married first. Obviously, this is not a situation you want to compromise in. That is why it is very important that you make sure your date understands your limits.

Another situation that can happen once you start dating, is that you may find it difficult to coordinate the schedule. Especially if you are both busy professionals.

One ground rule you might want to set, is that you will clear your schedule for birthdays and other important dates. Just doing that, is a great way to show your partner that you are making the relationship a priority.

You see, if you want a serious relationship with someone, you have to know where you are different. And if you find that you match up on the big issues, the little adjustments, like to the schedule, become easy to do.

Bonus Tip: Best 3 Online Platforms For Serious Dating

There are many online dating platforms out there. But not all are right for those looking for a serious relationship. So, avoid Grindr and Tinder, and go for these instead: is best for long term online relationships. It helps you find people who fit your criteria, and will suggest people that best suit what you are looking for.

eHarmony is widely used for marriage purpose. People who want serious relationships prefer this app. It also helps you find people that match your criteria, personality and lifestyle.

EliteSingles is best for mature singles. You can get dozens of suggestions every day, according to your demand. And it matches you with other singles, based upon a five factor personality test. There are more than 2 million visitors on this app per month.


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