What Doctors Tell Their Friends About Weight Loss (And Forget To Tell You)

7 weight loss tips guaranteed to supercharge your diet
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by Max

Walking around showing off your abs sounds good, right?

The problem is that you may have layers of fat covering those muscles and you feel guilty whenever you eat that pizza. Maybe that fat is covering all your body, who knows?

The good news is that you already made the first step and you came to the right place because today I’m going to show you what doctors tell their overweight friends and relatives to do in order to lose that body fat once and for all. So stay tuned because what you are going to learn is life-changing.

Here are 7 weight loss tips guaranteed to supercharge your diet.


#1 Know your body

Unless you were born with a “How to Start Living in 7 Days” book, no one will ever tell you what body type you have. You’re not an iPhone for God’s sake! There’s no “specific system” that runs every human being.

Every single one of us has his own unique type of body. Which means that if you want to know what diet will help you the most, you need you to know, first, what kind of body is under that chunk of fat.

I got the same impression that you’re having right now when I heard this for the first time as well. And it’s true. It might be a bit difficult at first (I’ve been there and I know the struggle).

But once you know your body type, everything that follows will become easier and you won’t worry about getting fat again because you’ll have a major idea on how YOUR body functions and behaves.

#2 More water, please!

Yes, you heard me right. People often ask for a refill when it comes to soda and wine. And for YOU that is “History”.

Because if you want to have that body look similar to The Rock’s, you need to drink the same way The Rock does. And what The Rock loves to drink is water, not cans of Coke whenever he gets the chance to.

Customise it – Make it your own

Water is life. It’s pure, refreshing, and calorie free. So you don’t need to regret drinking it because you won’t get a single additional calorie. Share on X One big goal you need to achieve if you want to lose weight in both the short and the long run. Plus, you will keep a fit body all the time. One hell-of-a bonus right?

The real question is HOW?

You might be drinking water all the time but not losing a fraction of a pound because you’re not DRINKING IT APPROPRIATELY!

Is there an “appropriate” way to drink water? Yes, there is!
(And, personally, I had to learn it the hard way).

On September 2015, I was diagnosed with a kidney disease. Which resulted in the failure of the latter organ. And the reason is simple. I’ve been so obsessed with soda that I almost forgot about water.

I’d been waking up in the middle of the night and getting only cold Soda unaware that I was literally devastating my kidneys. But now, I always keep a bottle of water at my side not only to stay hydrated, but to ensure that I’m keeping my body healthy and fit with every sip.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning will help your body to get rid of that additional fat that remained in your body from your last dinner. Because apparently your body is a fat magnet. (And you and I know why!)

Try to drink at least one glass of water before and after every single meal. It will help you feel full and enjoy the meal even better and, most importantly, keep it from going to your thighs.

Not to mention, drinking a glass of water before a meal help you digest it faster and better so you don’t need to carry that extra food in your tummy. (That’s what plastic bags are made for! Not your stomach!)

#3 Go to bed

This one is a bit tricky because most people advise you about working out and eating less, but they never consider the importance of getting the right amount and quality of rest.

Sleeping is essential (I bet your pillow told you the same thing!). And if you don’t get the right amount of sleep, your body won’t have the energy to process those carbs. And the result is less digestion and more fat. The same fat you want to get rid of as soon as possible.

What you should know is that sleeping less will invite more fat to your belly, as if you are throwing a Gatsby party inside. Share on X

So, find a quiet room, a soft pillow, prepare your bed, and make it comfortable and get some sleep. As a result, your calorie burn rate will increase dramatically as your body will have more energy to burn more calories and remain healthy.

#4 Be the chef

I’m not asking you to go and enroll into a 1,000$ cooking program and learn how to make that MAMAMIA! Salad. But what I am asking you to do is to learn how to cook your own meals.

You will be more aware of your calorie intake and what’s even better is that you will be eating healthy food all time. Try spicing it up a bit. Some hot pepper here. Some vinegar there. (And believe me, you won’t need to enroll into that cooking program anymore.)

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These ingredients help your body to release more adrenaline so that you can get even more active in the day and burn additional calories as a result.

Not only that, but spices help you savor your meals which means that that salad is way tastier than it looks. (And NO! Don’t add too much pepper in your dinner unless you are looking for a good reason to check your bathroom several times that night.)

#5 Break a sweat

You have heard it, seen it, and read it countless times by now. And the reason is simple. If you want to lose weight you need to move that body faster and more frequently.

There’s no need to go and beat up your little brother and pretend that you’re practicing Mixed Martial Arts, because you’re most likely to get beaten up by him as he gets older. But what I am asking you, is to get yourself a workout partner and start practicing some sports.

Make a schedule and practice every now and then. A work out partner will help you stay motivated and avoid hitting that snooze button when your alarm rings because your best friend is waiting for you outside (and what you want to lose is calories, not friends).

Create a schedule to remind you when to work out. Making time for exercise will give more importance to it as it will seem as important as any other activity. Which is, in fact, something worth considering because the more you’ll go to the gym, the happier and healthier you’ll become.

Get your running clothes ready before going to bed. Chances are that you’ll feel more motivated as half of the morning routine has already been done. Share on X

Get a challenge program that fits you and break your records and limits every once a week. You can challenge your friend and try to break his/her record as well.

And the best part about all of this, is that you will be burning calories in no time and without even realizing. How is it possible? Because you will be enjoying what you are doing.

This is why most athletes never worry about gaining weight. It’s because they’re enjoying what they are doing and burning hundreds to thousands of calories without even realizing it.

#6 Never Skip Meals

Especially breakfast.

And you need to get something straight. Skipping a meal won’t make you skinnier. The only thing it does is that it makes you feel hungrier. As a result, you’ll end up eating more on the next one, making all the progress you thought yourself you have made fade in a matter of a minute.

Yes, you’re right. You need to eat less if you want to lose weight faster. That’s the #1 instruction that everybody gives. But bear in mind that there’s a difference between eating less and not eating at all. You need to understand that you must stop that CHAOTIC way of eating.

Having a pizza for breakfast and a couple of beers at dinner is the fastest way to add extra pounds of fat to your body. We both know that, and the thing is, you and I don’t want that. What we want is a perfect body with no excess fat.

So, instead, you can get yourself a delicious hot cocoa in the morning. A decent amount of protein for lunch. A rich salad for dinner. And most importantly, fruits.

Fruits are your best friends when it comes to losing weight. They’re sweet, delicious, and they regulate your body’s water. They also contain fiber, and they’re a lot better for you than donuts when you want something sweet.

#7 Bread? What’s That?

Although bread may be the fastest stomach filler in the world, but it became the fastest for a reason.

White bread is filled with refined carbs which represent the number #1 source of belly fat, as a result of high spikes and crashes in blood sugar level. Share on X

What’s even worse is that it increases hunger and is low in nutrients and fiber.

Instead, you have the option to replace it with whole grain and oats. Scientists have found that these kinds of nutrients will not only benefit your body to the utmost, but they get fully digested thanks to their great amount of fibers.


Body fat is the world’s most efficient serial killer. Having too much of it is linked to a lot of diseases, many of them deadly.

So, losing weight is not just about appearances. If you follow these steps and stay committed to them, you won’t just end up with a fab body, but your health will improve as well.

And when your motivation starts to slip, remember that “a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step”.

And that all the little gains add up to become the greatest successes.


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