When You Have Found God, But Your Mum Has Found You A Shrink

Oh My God!
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by Merlyn Gabriel Miller

So, you have found God.

Millions of people, all over the world have been hunting high and low for that elusive creature, with no luck. But you have finally found him. And you can’t wait to tell all your friends and family about it. To share the good news.

But for some reason, they don’t seem as happy about it as you. What gives?
And how can you get them to listen?

Knock, knock – Please go away

This is the standard response to the Jehovah’s Witness. They knock on doors, trying to convert people. And the response they get is, well, less than enthusiastic.

And just like you, they cannot fathom why nobody wants to hear their message. After all, it’s fantastic!

It’s just like when you are in love, you don’t understand why the others are not.

Whether you’re in love with a popstar, a football team, your new pet iguana, an idea or God, doesn’t matter. Their response may be something along the lines of, “I’m happy for you Bud. I really am”, and then they switch the subject.

They are not interested in your marathon monologues about the greatness of God. Not any more than you are keen to hear about their crochet workshop or abnormal bowel movements. And if you want to keep your friends, you have to respect that.

But of course, you still want to share your good fortune with those you love. So if you can’t make their ears sweaty with all your talk, then what can you do?


Lead by example

“Talk is cheap.”
“Actions speak louder than words.”

You’ve heard these sayings before, haven’t you?

The thing is, that if all they get from you is talk, it’s not going to make a difference. They will still not see how this new revelation will better their lives.

All they have seen so far, is that it has turned their good friend or relative, into a rambling and overzealous madman.

They are used to you being a certain way, and talking a certain way. When that drastically changes, they get scared. Share on X

Maybe they even start thinking that there is something seriously wrong with you. And want to try to fix you. Get you back to normal. They may even hint at finding you a shrink. Or have you fitted for a straitjacket.

What you need to do, is lead by example.

Did finding God, starting Yoga classes, going vegan – whatever, actually make your life better? Show them!

Did it make you more calm and accepting? Then behave that way.
Happier and more creative? Smile and show them your art.

Let them see how your newfound faith has improved your life, and let them ask the questions.

Show, Don’t sell

If you are a sales rep for a cosmetic company, the best tool you have is not your sales pitch. It is your face. Share on X

When people see your beautiful, glowing complexion, they will ask how you did it. “How did you get that clean, smooth baby skin? What is your secret?”

Then you tell them.
(I said tell, not lecture.)

When people notice the change in you, they will get curious.

Don’t kill their curiosity by blabbering and trying to sell them something. Simply answer their questions, and invite them to ask more.


There is no magic button that you can push to make people agree with you and see things your way. If there were, politicians and advertisers would have jumped on that one a long time ago.

All you can do, is let your actions speak for you.

Your life is your billboard. So, advertise, don't evangelise. Share on X


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